DEadD0lLscreAm GuestbookChrist251291 (13 years ago)i work at my dad company, and he gave me one of his company to me... Jessjare (13 years ago)★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★ oH My cAp iN My aVaTaR wIl nOt pRoViDe u 4rM sUn iT'l gIvE u sWeAtIn iNsTeAd ★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★ Cool2027 (13 years ago)o_O pS AGAin OK WeWiLl waIT 4uR BiRThDAy Cool2027 (13 years ago)tHAts so NiCE 2hEAR that U r mUsliM Ya mE AlSO MuSLim gaL Jessjare (13 years ago)★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★ hEy hOla oLa mY cAp dOsNt mAtCh yOuR gLaSsEs ★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★ Cool2027 (13 years ago)btw is 2day Ur birtHDAY Cool2027 (13 years ago)oLA I know uzbek,russian,& sure my lovely English! Thats alL! R u muslim? |