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SAH1L Guestbook

Senorida  (13 years ago)

i love u i miss u i need u

Fatimahajja  (13 years ago)

qadirhusainkhan  (13 years ago)
123orkut.com - Orkut Mp3
qadirhusainkhan  (13 years ago)

hope you are doing good

have a nice day

raali00  (13 years ago)

Senorida  (13 years ago)

try out in de hot afternun
remember yo r greeted stars
de coolness dat yo taste

try out at night storm
sing a song dat yo lyk
de coolness dat yo taste

know, de song dat yo lyk
know, which stars yo greetins
know, de houz dat yo're goin ...

dats *(( ))*

tc, eat more, shower, rest n hv fun ma heart miss u so much

raali00  (13 years ago)

Senorida  (13 years ago)

*(( ))*
Senorida  (13 years ago)

miss u... ma tc, eat more, shower n rest, ummuah
astrub  (13 years ago)
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