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kairikairi Guestbooktomcruise4 (12 years ago) Background pictures here!Photo pictures here!Photo pictures here!Photo pictures here! maruf794 (13 years ago) To rEaLiZe ThE VaLuE Of a sIsTeR... aSk sOmEoNe WhO DoEsN’T HaVe oNe To ReALizE tHe VaLUe oF TeN YeArS... AsK A NewLY dIvOrCeD CoUpLe To ReAiLzE tHe VaLUe oF FoUr yEaRs... aSk a gRaDuAtE To rEaLiZe ThE VaLuE Of oNe yEaR... AsK A StUdEnT WhO hAs fAiLeD A FiNaL ExAm To ReAiLzE tHe vALUe oF NiNe mOnThS... AsK A MoThEr wHo gAvE BiRtH To a sTiLL bOrN To rEaLiZe ThE VaLuE Of oNe mOnTh... aSk a mOtHeR wHo hAs gIvEn bIrTh tO a pReMaTuRe bAbY To rEaLiZe ThE VaLuE Of oNe wEeK... AsK An eDiToR Of a wEeKLY NeWsPaPeR To rEaLiZe ThE VaLuE Of oNe hOuR... AsK ThE LoVeRs wHo aRe wAiTiNg tO MeEt To ReAiLzE tHe vAlUe oF OnE MiNuTe... aSk a pErSoN wHo hAs mIsSeD ThE TrAiN, bUs oR PLAnE To rEaLiZe ThE VaLuE Of oNe-sEcOnD... AsK A PeRsOn WhO HaS SuRvIvEd aN AcCiDeNt To ReAiLzE tHe vALUe oF OnE MiLLIsEcOnD... AsK ThE PeRsOn wHo hAs wOn a siLVeR MeDaL In tHe oLyMpIcS TimE WaItS FoR No oNe... tTreAsUrE EvErY MoMeNt yOu hAvE..!* {Image} FiLl uR TiMe wIt sUcCeSs... hApPiNeSs...LauGh & LovE WoNdErFuL NiGhT. {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} ThaNx tO VisiT najafi (13 years ago) ">Image SharingGoogle HomepagesCool Names href="">Image HostGoogle BackgroundsCool Names href="http://">Image HostingCute QuotesHow to Lose Weight FastImage HostGoogle BackgroundsNames MeaningsFree PicturesInspirational Quotes | |