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SoUnCool Guestbook

shankey2010  (11 years ago)
okaayyy....well ..i stay awake late...
Mostly...m kind free at this time only...
n doin good...tom havin a bloody exam...
so studyin for it...
gdnt n tkcr u smiley ....'''
shankey2010  (11 years ago)
good evnin...my frnd bt it's ...1 am here ....p.
Hw r u...lor...
WooLeePua100  (11 years ago)
~~ Ok Pretti Lor~~
~~ chu 2 take cre~~
shankey2010  (11 years ago)
WooLeePua100  (11 years ago)
hihi~ nice~ can chu add me~
so we can see eazh other~ an contact more~
WooLeePua100  (11 years ago)
glad 2 hear chu are fine~ ~ new job?~ Congarts
~ i knew how chu are buzy~
do chu av Skype or Hi5?~
WooLeePua100  (11 years ago)
me iz fnie pretty lor~ ~ aftr i saw chu!
hoe ar chu?~ where av chu been?~ shy2: ~ im so worried bout chu?~

WooLeePua100  (11 years ago)
~~ Babi Lor~ miss chu soe moch~
WooLeePua100  (11 years ago)
~For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others;
for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness;
and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone~ .
Aticos  (11 years ago)

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