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FreakiNNicholE Guestbook

Jessjare  (13 years ago)
nOt wRoNg in4mAtIoN bT LeTs sAy iNCoMpLeTe. . . HaHa oUr rAcE Is vRy leSs iN My cOuNtRy. . . . NwY cAn u tEl mE Y uR PlaCe nAmE Is WARSAW?
Jessjare  (13 years ago)
2 bEgIn wIt. . . . I'm nOt pOliCe oR PoLiSh m 4rM InDiA n i bEloNg tO cHiNeSe rAcE. . . . . . So wHeR R u 4rM In pOliSh
Jessjare  (13 years ago)
yEsTeRdAy mY dAy wAs aWeSoMe. . . N 2dAy iTz bOuT tO bEgIn sO i'l tEl u bOuT My 2dAy iN Da eVeNiNg
Jessjare  (13 years ago)
yEs i'M JeSs. . . NiCoLe iS a nIcE n cUtE nAmE. . . . . So wAtS uP n hOw iS uR dAy?
Rudolph18  (13 years ago)
Hei nicole. .M doin grrrt. .N u ?
Jessjare  (13 years ago)
FrEaKiN tHaNk u 4 dA aDd. . . . m JeSs. . . WaTz uR nAmE?
him205  (13 years ago)
well i'm a student too^^ and.. a full-time student hihi
by the way, you looks so pretty i never thought poland girls are this pretty
him205  (13 years ago)
from vietnam hmm what you doing right now
him205  (13 years ago)
just call me Him k where you from, lovely nicole?
him205  (13 years ago)
thanks for being my friend^^ nicole, isnt it?
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