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Jessjare  (13 years ago)
★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★ nOw i sEe a bEaUtIFuL gIrL. I dOn sEe aNy pUpPy ★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★
Jessjare  (13 years ago)
★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★ tHn wHo iS dAt wIt dA BlaCk hAiR? luKiN lyK a dOg bTw uR aVaTaR ★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★
Genevie55  (13 years ago)
i hve b4 but n0 gf f0r n0w just wnt 2 c0ncntr8 in my w0rk, . .hehehe
Jessjare  (13 years ago)
★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★ dAtZ a dOg bUt sTiL i cAn iMaGiNe dAt iTz yOu sTiL iN Da aVaTaR ★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★
Genevie55  (13 years ago)
c0z we hve wt we c0l indvdual dfferences sis, . .c0z evr since i wz s0rr0unded by a b0y fr0m my br0., c0zns, relatves nd im my dad nd uncles girl,haha i 0nly had girl c0zn whn i was 18
Genevie55  (13 years ago)
b4 i d0nt kn0w y but bc0z 0f studiez nd xplanti0n fr0m a psychiatrist, . .i f0und dt im l0okng 4 a l0ve fr0m a m0thr bc0z im n0t cl0se 2 my m0m nd i dnt hve sis
Jessjare  (13 years ago)
★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★ oHk oHk i wIl nOt vIsIt tEl mE wHn u sHoW uR faCe PrEcAuTiOn ★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★
Jessjare  (13 years ago)
★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★ y u wAnT tO dEsTrOy mY hApPiNeSsu R sO bAd pLiZ dOn sHoW mE ★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★
Genevie55  (13 years ago)
yah its true, its 0k i undrstand, . .i trust u dts y i tel it 2 u,hehe
Jessjare  (13 years ago)
★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★ i'vE nVr sEeN uR faCe. . . . Haha dAtZ y m hApPy tIl 2dAy n yUp u mUsT b mOr pReTtY tHn i tHiNk ★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★

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