26cloud (12 years ago)i mean ,upload your photo to your profile,so that i can seE them your pictures,
AVI50100 (12 years ago)jI ha! aGar mujhE mIla tOh jarUr baTaunGa apkO
lOl ..
yEa! kOol
26cloud (12 years ago)upload them to your profile
26cloud (12 years ago)to your profile,.,
26cloud (12 years ago)i mean upload them if you have
26cloud (12 years ago)h0pely,.do u have any pictures?
AVI50100 (12 years ago). . yOh beTtr fInd It fasT
n aGar kOi heLp chahIyE tOh vOh bhI baTana
lOl ..
yEa! I knO daT
.. aGar yaHan sE gayaB huI sO I'll caTch yOh dErE
26cloud (12 years ago)i dont have,waiting for the rigth one,
26cloud (12 years ago)0oh n0w i seE ,.that g0od just wait till the time c0mes,