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malek21  Guestbook

gae732  (11 years ago)
I do really care my friends Luka!
gae732  (11 years ago)
Wer already talking know
gae732  (11 years ago)
I saw her comment on ur post, if she dosent care u, she will not asking u whts ur problem

anyway i really dont know the story

just talk to everione luka for u to find lots of friends ok..
gae732  (11 years ago)
Dont be so selfish ofcors she will talk to her other friends, the point is she is stil ur friend ok... Common just smile, dnt let saddness eats u
gae732  (11 years ago)
Common Luka, u have ur friend jazzie, i am hir to dnt u ever think ur alone ok, u have lots of friends, ur not alone the onli things u need to do is talk wth them ok..
gae732  (11 years ago)
Really just smile smile if ther is tym

i saw ur feelings u post on ur profile

du u have any problem?
gae732  (11 years ago)

iLL call u Luka
gae732  (11 years ago)
I've told u already my name

my name is Gazelle ?

May i know ur name too?
gae732  (11 years ago)
em good

hw abt u?
MEHO2012  (11 years ago)

على نـآافذة آلشتـآاء
جسدٌ تجمّد من آلبرد و مِعطفٌ رثّ و جيوبٌ تآالفـهہ ة مُعلّقـہ ة أطرآافـهہ ة بخيطٍ مُهترئ‎ . .
و نظرةٌ كسرتہآا آلحيـآاه‎ - فقرٌ و ألمْ‎ . .
قد بدأ برد آلشتـآاء يلآمس آلعظم ولنـآا أخوآان فآلعـرآاء
آوييہم و تولہم و ألطف بہم وأجعل برد آلشتـآاء سلآمآاً علييہم ونصرآا مبيـن ‎..

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