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jufabie GuestbookShinYeong93 (12 years ago) O..O never mind that's ur chose up to u haha ^^ Can i ask?? in ur band who member have a lot of fans?? are u?? maybe u !! haha ShinYeong93 (12 years ago) haha.. yeah food hunter !! Oppa, why u not live in korea?? if u live in korea maybe, u now be a member of boy band.. kkkk~~ ShinYeong93 (12 years ago) Really?? haha what do u want?? I am rich girl with a lot of food.. ha~ha~ha~ #EvilLaugh Nh0xZuZu (12 years ago) Dnt worry i wll mke ur dream bcm true rite nw . . .zumbala. . ! ! ! . . . . Umbala ! ! !. . . . . Olala ! ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hahaha Nh0xZuZu (12 years ago) Wahh ! How great tht means u are g0nna be a fam0us pers0n s0on? kung xie 1st , , , ah, im also a student | |