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rora11 GuestbookA7SAAAS1 (13 years ago) ما قيمة الحياة إن لم نعمل أعمالا تبقى لنا بعد الممات _فلنترك آثارآ لنا في كل مكان وقلب قبل الفوات _ ٠ولنتذكر أننا سنرحل فلنترك عملا ينفعنا هنا وهناك ily188121 (13 years ago) {Image} keep smiling laughter is best medicine for the heart {Image} {Image} ily ily188121 (13 years ago) ...good morning... ...I M BACK FRIEND... ...LAST SOME DAY MY PC NET IS OFF... ...SO ME NOT SEND ANY IMAGE... ...I M REALY SORRY... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} ily atifsony (13 years ago) Öld friends are gÖld! New friends are diamÖnd! if u gÖt diamÖnd dÖn't fÖrget da gÖld BcÖz tÖ hÖld a diamÖnd in a Ring, U need a base Öf gÖld! Love U Frnds atifsony (13 years ago) Luck is not in your Control But, Struggle is Always in Your Control, And Struggle can make Your LUCK. So, Everything is possible with struggle.. | |