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hannah0619 Guestbook

Edzelerman17  (12 years ago)
Wishes are meant for you to ponder, they
pass along to someone in need,or can be
kept all to ourselves. Wishes are sincere
in belief that all our hopes and dreams
are within reach. My wishes for you are
my own'..They are an everlasting trust
that miracles happen and dreams really
do come true.
Understood is the value of a nurturing
heart, the innocence of a child 's eyes
and the wisdom of an aging hand. I wish
that the morning sky will forever intrigue
you and the stardust of the night will
captivate you. I wish that you will always
see the man in the moon and entrust
him with your deepest secrets. I wish for
you a creative spirit that dusts your
imagination with youthful dreams and
opens you to wonderful surprises just
waiting to happen.I wish for you to yearn
for nothing and find contentment from
within. That you will always know what to
say to a friend , that your compassion will
heal, and many more names will be
etched in your heart.
allong17  (12 years ago)
knp ya,,,my profil mlm gk bisa hntr mz,,,
allong17  (12 years ago)
he,,,kmu pa kbr,,,han,,
allong17  (12 years ago)
abiz,,,rusak,,,tu lh,,,aq bikin bru,,,
alyasatsukha  (12 years ago)
han,,,,,,mmg biasa mnd jm brp,,
mndi lh udh syng,,,
alyasatsukha  (12 years ago)
lg ngpaen?...udah mndi lm?
alyasatsukha  (12 years ago)
han,,,,mt sore
alyasatsukha  (12 years ago)
ya gk lh,,,kn lg libur,,hbiz ujian,,
alyasatsukha  (12 years ago)
han knp ya saya gk bisa hntr mz,,,
kita guna guesbook je ya,,,
Ruhyat47  (12 years ago)
i feel it midling,. hehe tpi msih agak kurang ngerti jga. Untk skrg ini sih gk add prtanyaan, tar klo saya bner2 gk ngerti, saya psti nanya dehh.

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