secretwitch (13 years ago)gud morning
i don't like the word ey k yang nis
secretwitch (13 years ago)where's ur school?is there study TOEFL or not?
secretwitch (13 years ago)ITC mean institude of technology of cambodia
i study at techno
gud dream na
secretwitch (13 years ago)m studying at ITC sorry i don't play facebook
where do u study?
secretwitch (13 years ago)yes,know clearly
m fine, already n now m in PP..n what about u?eat nov?n doing what?gud health or not?
Hour09381 (13 years ago)Hi all friend please add me in facebook pong na my name bros kbal khoch. Welcome all the time na^_~
secretwitch (13 years ago)i pass all but gud r not i don't know..i hope u pass na..thanks...if u have time read my profile porng na..
secretwitch (13 years ago)can u do all of ur exam?happy ort that exam finish..4 me happy nas..1 to get a small party my fri n i ort
i know u can n don't hope u online