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Angelina143 Guestbook

Love4friends  (12 years ago)

Mornings are refreshing like friendship, it may not stay all day long, but for sure it comes forever every day . Good Morning
Love4friends  (12 years ago)
Instead of fighting and proving Urself to Ur lovable ones,its better to stay away,Till they realise that no one cares for them more than u!! , good morning

Love4friends  (12 years ago)
{Image} A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you today just the way you are! {Image}
Love4friends  (12 years ago)
{Image} Heart change,i know they do..but this heart always belong to u...heart hurts, i know they do..but this heart hurts more without u...... {Image}
Love4friends  (12 years ago)
"Anything is valuable only in 2 situations;
1st-Before getting it...

2nd-After loosing it...
"SO hold every thing until last breath"
Love4friends  (12 years ago)
How easily people change
When they are alone they need u
When there is no one beside them,u are important
&When they find sumone new,suddenly they dont bother about U GOOD MORNING
Love4friends  (12 years ago)
Pretty nice thought::-)
"Most of the fights between frnds are not due to problems,
its because one cares toooo much and other cares mooore than that.. good morning
Love4friends  (12 years ago)
Real But Sad Truth
People Who Respect Love
Never Get Their Loved One
People Who Think Love Is A TimePass, Get True Love But they Dont Respect It GoOd MoRnInG
Love4friends  (12 years ago)
SOMETIMES Sorry means -It's not my fault,Its yours,Accept it,It would make me feel bettr..

SOMETIMES Good Night means- Don't keep d phone stupid, I want 2 talk more..

SUMTYMS Take Care means, I m nt wel & need 2 b cared 4..

SUMTYMS Disconecting a phne means- Call me back,I wnt u 2 persuade me vid smthin special..

SUMTYMS hate you means, i like you soo much which i cant even explain..

SUMTYMS miss you means m waiting for your call..

SUMTYMS Smile means more dan Tears
SUMTYMS Tears r mor satisfying dan Smile..

Thr r very few ppl
who understand dese exceptionalities & dese ppl r found only SUMTYM , GoOd MoRnInG
Love4friends  (12 years ago)
Care is the
sweetest essence in world

If someone says
take care
it means
U live in that person's heart till Last beat


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