Waktuku makin sempit... Siang nanti aku harus kembali...''Haruskah Cinta Kita Harus Berakhir Sampai Di Sini...,''.
Ohhhhhhh...Aska !!!!!!......
Buka dong ...Dek COS mu Aska...Tolong baca chatku....!!!
Pagi ini aku masih berharap ''keajaiban itu bisa datang untuk kita'''....sebelum aku harus pulang !!!!!?
Aska...aku telah menunggumu sejak pagi kemaren...tapi kamu tak bisa dihubungi...aku telah mencoba menepati janji ingin bertemu denganmu demi cinta kita...tapi Tuhan tak mengasih kita jalan... Mengapa harus...seperti ini..Aska????
Sekarang aku terpaksa akan kembali pulang....walau kecewa !!!!
¤¤¤ Hi...Aska !
Survived the weekend and survived the night for days weeks...Aska.
Hopefully beautifull too full of sweet memories....!
¤¤¤ From me..Rafilo¤
¤¤¤ I really miss you..¤. So it makes this my heart...¤..and fret if your feeling the same is me...Aska ?
We wish you a wonderful night's stars-studded beautiful dream of happiness together full of sweet memories...¤¤¤¤
¤¤¤ Rafilo.
¤¤¤ Aska...''I LOVE YOU''...from the bottom of my heart...¤ What you want to accept my love. Say... Aska?¤¤
¤¤¤ Aska...''I LOVE YOU''...from the bottom of my heart...¤ What you want to accept my love. Say... Aska?¤¤
¤¤¤ Aska...''I LOVE YOU''...from the bottom of my heart...¤ What you want to accept my love. Say... Aska?¤¤