O friend my Dear, forget your fear, Let all your dreams be clear, Never put tear, Pleas hear, I want to tell one thing in your ear Wishing you A Very Happy NEW YEAR 2013 Kismat(B)
Hi, my friend. We may be miles apart but you know I'll always be remembering you, you're a precious gift from GOD that I will keep forever in my heart. Friends forever. Happy nEw yEar...with lOve and care frOm ace..
O friend my Dear, forget your fear, Let all your dreams be clear, Never put tear, Pleas hear, I want to tell one thing in your ear Wishing you A Very Happy NEW YEAR 2013 Kismat(B)
wish you a Merry X'mas with continuing blessings of good health, a loving family, great friends, new opportunities, exciting challenges and pleasant surprises.
Friends are people who are there when you are sad, listen to your problems and they like you for who you really are thank you to all my amazing friends