">http://www.imageurlhost.com/images/y4ioldfoujj4pjadtxl.gif" border="0"/> Have a Fine day... take care, ">http://i.kapook.com/glitter/2012/en/02/E21022012_02P.gif" border="0"/>
">http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f298/deedydeedydeedy/divider/mmx11.gif" border="0"/> Gift ">http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f298/deedydeedydeedy/divider/mmx11.gif" border="0"/>
When you Run sO faSt tO gEt soMewHErE, you Mi$$ thE fUn oF gETting thEre. LifE i$ n0t A raCE, $o takE it sLowEr. HeaR thE MusiC bEforE thE $ong is ovEr. MIZZZ YOU My fRiEnD^^"
When you Run sO faSt tO gEt soMewHErE, you Mi$$ thE fUn oF gETting thEre. LifE i$ n0t A raCE, $o takE it sLowEr. HeaR thE MusiC bEforE thE $ong is ovEr. MIZZZ YOU My fRiEnD^^"
He was never my lover. he loved u only. wishing i can have his love for once in my life. As i said earlier none value which they get, hoping someday god grant me this precious thing. bye